The Table of Contents is designed to provide a structured and detailed roadmap for understanding bias and its impact on knowledge, while exploring foundational TOK questions like
“What is knowledge?” and
“Is all information knowledge?”. It empowers teachers and learners to critically evaluate evidence, perspectives, and the role of bias in shaping knowledge, making you confident in addressing complex concepts in the classroom by offering practical examples to contextualize discussions.

Table of Contents (2 teaching hours)
1. Introduction: The Significance of Bias in Knowledge
—Why Understanding Bias is Central to Theory of Knowledge
—Bias as a Problem of Knowledge: An Overview
2. Is All Information Knowledge?
—Defining Information vs. Knowledge
—How the Brain Processes Information: Discretion and Selectivity
—The Role of Prior Knowledge and Belief in Constructing Knowledge
3. Evidence: The Foundation of Knowledge
—What Qualifies as Evidence?
—Empirical Evidence and Its Presumed Objectivity
—Challenges in Validating Knowledge Through Evidence
To uncover the hidden influences shaping your perceptions and decisions, dive into the world of understanding bias. Explore how bias operates beneath the surface of our conscious minds, affecting our interactions, judgments, and choices. Don’t let unseen biases navigate your life’s direction.
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