
TOK essay examples 4

Are visual representations always helpful in the communication of knowledge? Discuss with reference to the human sciences and mathematics

“A strong visual imagination acts as a magnet to draw the visualized into reality.”
― Anupama Garg, The Tantric Curse[1]

While pursuing my learning during middle school, I started viewing videos on YouTube and noticed the impact it created on me. I was able to comprehend my knowledge much better and was able to memorize it for a long time. Along with this, I always used to get fascinated with visuals represented in my textbook; the colors popping from the pictures helped me boost my imagination and articulate and communicate my knowledge. Visual representation is what we see in the form of vivid images or hallucinations, adding on advertisements, symbols, figures, and videos, to name a few. In contrast, Communication is a two-way process that builds a mutual understanding between people. The first communication was through cave painting by the homo sapiens, which is the best example of how visual representations help communicate knowledge.

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Another example of Morden Day’s visual representation helping in communicating knowledge is the Oscar-winning animated movie “Encanto “, released in 2021, which was fabulously made with visual representation and conveyed moral lessons like the importance of communicating and loving people’s flaws, etc. An Austrian energy drink firm, “Red Bull,” was sued for false advertisement that its products improve performance, focus, and response time, allowing it to maintain a permanent price for its misleading claims. Therefore visual representation doesn’t consistently articulate correct knowledge. [2]

In my essay, I will talk about “Are visual representations always helpful in the communication of knowledge? Discuss concerning the human sciences and mathematics” from the help of the given areas of knowledge, the first being mathematics followed by human science.

Engaging the AOKs is vital since human science and math are strongly related to the dimensions of visual representation of learning engagement, as stated in the title of my essay.

According to research by Doctor Jo Boaler, a Stanford Graduate School professor and the study’s principal author, mathematical thinking is anchored in visual processing. Doctor Jo Boaler claims and believes that when you try to answer a mathematical issue, your brain stimulates several different areas. ” The ventral and dorsal pathways”, both visual channels, are two of these regions this exercise impacts both adults and kids. The lesson is that even when we aren’t aware of it, our brains build visuals from the numbers we perceive. This improves our understanding of both spatial and numerical relationships. Hence, children’s brains are used in the background to visualize the steps when learning math. According to another study, “our perception of mathematical computations is accompanied by activity in the part of the brain responsible for counting on our fingers or representing our fingers”. Many kids naturally use their fingers as visual elements while studying math. However, the study found that our brains do this type of “finger counting” without our awareness by visualizing the computations as fingers.[3]Therefore visual representation helps in articulating and communicating information.

The Arabic term “al jabr,” which means “reunion of fractured parts,” is where the English word “algebra” originates. Determining the tax liability: As people become older, they labor to make money. As a result, they might have to calculate their tax liabilities. The method includes calculations like figuring out the tax rebate ceiling and dividing profits among several investment options to decide how the money should be distributed. This approach of mathematics to calculate the tax due relies on doing algebraic calculations with factors including income, eligibility for rebates, and more. Employees may use algebra to arrange their revenue and costs and determine their taxable pay. Hence, with theoretical knowledge, tax is calculated rather than communicating information from visual representation. Whereas in orbital movements, astrologers make predictions about a  connection between the planet’s rotational speed and its position after a specific period, and so forth. All these calculations are done with the help of theoretical knowledge of algebra, and linear or quadratic equation balance is applied when these predictions are made. These are just a few instances of how mathematics is used daily. [4]

The use of visual representations can help students refresh and revitalize memories that formerly had a long-lasting impact. It is possible, however, to combine analytical assimilation with visual restoration. For example, Many mathematical topics require distinct communication channels, including visualization or discussing possible approaches to comprehension.

Amul has won the hearts of Indian citizens with the tagline “ Amul the taste of India”. Nevertheless, the firm’s excellent eye-catching Advertisement techniques and the idea of giving messages based on the present occurrence highlight India with the help of an Amul butter girl figure made in the form of animation.“The Amul girl, who has been in Amul’s longest-running animated figure for an advertising campaign, is well recognized”.

The Amul girl is highly known since she has been in Amul’s long-duration commercial campaign. Mr Eustace Fernandes, responsible for the legendary mascot’s conception, has dramatically increased the Amul girl’s appeal among Indian homes. She is not just everyone’s favorite butter-eating, song-singing figure but also a reliable news source for Amul’s advertising. These commercials are meaningful and have a reason. As you may have seen, Amul cheese and butter are the only products that receive substantial promotion. The company says to expend only 1% of its expenditure on advertising and promotion and does not participate in promotional campaigns for other products since it does not wish to give up its marketing profits. With only allocating 1% of its revenue to advertising, The AMUL went into becoming an advertising ICON. It makes it reasonable that, despite their intense competition, their costs have always been lower than theirs. The advertisements present two things: they all focus on the national weather, cricket, or politics. Advertising is frequently witty and ironic. “James Lebrun Maska’s most recent advertising is “Put in your Basket!” The Amul girl has been popular for further than 50 years as a result of this highly effective advertisement”. It is clear how vital Amul’s visual portrayal in its advertising is for informing customers.”[5] It is evident how crucial Amul’s Visual representation through advertising plays in communicating knowledge to the customers.

Conversely,  “The Bristol Company (a British firm) of W.D. & H.O. Wills created Gold Flake before ITC introduced the same brand to India in the 1960s”. Several sorts of gold flakes are offered in India, including “gold flake, gold flake lights, gold flake kings, and gold flake”. However, there is much room for improvement in the product’s marketing. The product is successful in the sense of sales rather than in terms of positioning or USP. In India, all advertising for these goods has been outlawed since 2002. They also have a significant competitive advantage in the version of distribution channels which is why they remain a dominant player. But, since competition rises daily, they must be creative to hold onto their market share.

Additionally, they must heavily emphasize their marketing strategies, which is difficult for them, given that tobacco product advertising is outlawed in India. However, smoking habits still have yet to alter, although Gold flake is still created in response to market demand. Individuals continue to consume cigarettes out of habit or inclination despite the risks to their health and negative repercussions. In a grey region, it is disputed. Gold Flake has developed its brand value from both its online and offline marketing methods. Still, as long as Gold Flake Has goodwill and robust client demand, it is on the correct path because they have customer loyalty who endorse and advertise for them through word-of-mouth. Hence, for companies like these, brand quality and goodwill drag customers, whereas visual representations don’t help communicate knowledge and attract a new customer pool.[6]

The projection used data-specific information, whereas the visual-specific representation was inferred through behavior adaptation. Children must learn through visual representation since it helps to refresh and reactivate memories that formerly had a lasting impact. Humans can improve their ability to think creatively and solve problems, which will help them share their expertise. The integration of conceptual films facilitates learning and makes it simple, approachable, and understandable. Nonetheless, using visuals to communicate and comprehend the world around us has expanded due to technology. Business owners may now contact clients and boost the exposure of their brands by utilizing words and visuals to connect with them, thanks to the benefit of internet technology. Thanks to technology that provides photographs, video, and software, business owners have access to various tools to entice customers and expand their markets. A visual aid that provides erroneous information might distort the advertisement’s intended meaning. The employment of both words and Visuals significantly influences the communication of ideas. As students study the concept and put it into practice, they better understand mathematics and human sciences concepts and how they apply them to actual circumstances. Finally, I’d like to note that the requirements and preferences of the learners guide the learning modes. Hence, visual representation may only sometimes be helpful in knowledge transfer.


[1] “Visual Quotes (36 Quotes).” Www.goodreads.com, www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/visual.

Accessed 11 Feb. 2023.

[2] “Red Bull Puts up $13m to Settle False Advertising Suit.” Morelli Law, 4 Aug. 2014, www.morellilaw.com/red-bull-puts-up-13m-to-settle-false-advertising-suit/.

[3] “The Importance of Visual Learning in Math.” BYJU’S Future School Blog, 22 July 2021,www.byjusfutureschool.com/blog/the-importance-of-visual-learning-in-math/.

[4] Mathnasium. “Algebra in Everyday Life.” Www.mathnasium.com, www.mathnasium.com/greatneck/news/algebra-in-everyday-life.

[5] “How Amul Became an Advertising ICON despite Spending Only 1% of Sales on Ads.” Buildd, buildd.co/marketing/amul-advertising-strategy.

[6] Shastri, Aditya. Gold Flake Marketing Strategy Case Study | IIDE. iide.co/case-studies/gold-flake-marketing-strategy/.