
TOK Lesson Plan 12 – The introduction of TOK concept – Values

The image depicts a simple but symbolic illustration featuring a classic balance scale in light blue. On one side of the scale, instead of a typical scale pan, there's a hand with various words written across the fingers and palm, such as "Peace," "Love," "Unity," "Freedom," "Collaboration," and "Education." These words represent key values that are being metaphorically weighed, emphasizing their importance in decision-making and ethical considerations. The overall design is clean and minimalistic, focusing on the concept of balancing these fundamental human values.
In TOK, the concept of “values” is all about what we think is important or worthwhile. It’s like having a personal compass that guides your decisions and judgments. These aren’t just about what you like or don’t like, but deeper stuff—like believing in honesty, fairness, or courage.

Now, there are some theories that talk about how we figure out these values. One big idea is called “moral relativism,” which is like saying, “What’s right for you might not be right for me.” It suggests that our values can be different because of where we come from or how we were raised.

Another theory is “ethical objectivism,” which is the opposite. It’s the idea that some values are like the rules of a game—no matter who you are or where you’re from, the rules (or values) are the same for everyone.

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When we talk about knowledge issues related to values in TOK, we’re asking questions like, “How do we decide what’s good or bad?” or “Can we ever know for sure if something is right or wrong?” This is tough stuff because everyone has their own set of values, and sometimes they clash.

In short, “values” in TOK are about the big “shoulds” and “shouldn’ts” in our heads that help us figure out how to live and what to believe, and they’re super important when we’re trying to make sense of the world and decide what we think is true or right.

Values as a TOK concept

Total estimated instruction=8 hrs 

This Lesson Plan has a comprehensive coverage of 8582  word count on the following content

Content Coverage
1) The meaning and definition of Values through specific theories When we zoom in on “values” as a TOK concept, we’re really delving into what’s good or bad, right or wrong.

One big idea is called “moral relativism,” which is like saying, “What’s right for you might not be right for me.” It suggests that our values can be different because of where we come from or how we were raised.

2) Relevant knowledge questions (KQs) on Values as a TOK concept Scaffolding the idea that to understand how knowledge is influenced by values and learning strategies to broaden our horizons through KQs unpacked within the knowledge framework through RLS, TED talks, and exciting classroom activities followed by critical reflection. When we dig into “values” as a concept in TOK, we’re really asking about the principles and standards that guide our choices and beliefs. So, the knowledge questions (KQs) we might come up with are all about unpacking these guiding stars of our lives. For example, we might ask, “How do personal values shape our understanding of what’s true or important?” or “To what extent do cultural values influence our judgment in ethics or the arts?” Another good one could be, “Can values be universal, or are they always shaped by individual experiences and cultural backgrounds?” These KQs push us to think about where our values come from and how they affect not just our personal lives but the big picture of how societies work and what they teach the next generation about what matters. They help us get to the core of why we might disagree on big issues and what that means for finding common ground. 
3) Discussion of a KQ on Values through the knowledge framework-scope, perspectives, methods and tools, ethics The coverage includes thought-provoking KQs within each of the knowledge framework elements, engaging TED talks, interactive activities, and reflective insights to guide the students’ understanding on how important it is to question knowledge, personally connect with values. When we tackle a knowledge question (KQ) about values, like “How do our values influence the pursuit of knowledge?” we weave it through the TOK knowledge framework to really dig deep.

Scope: We examine what’s included in our study of values and how they play a role across different areas of knowledge. For example, we look at how values determine what’s researched in science or what themes are chosen by artists.

Perspectives: We delve into various viewpoints to understand how different people and cultures prioritize different values. It’s like looking through multiple lenses to see how values color our view of the world.

Methods and Tools: We explore the tools we use to express and measure values, like surveys in the human sciences or critiques in the arts, and question how these methods might reflect the values they’re supposed to study.

Ethics: Here, we’re getting into the meaty questions of right and wrong, asking how our values shape our ethical choices and how these choices reflect back on our values.

Discussing a KQ on values across this framework helps us see the full landscape of how values are woven into the fabric of knowledge—how they shape it, limit it, and drive it forward. It’s a journey into understanding the why behind the what of our knowledge.

4) Connecting Values with Optional Themes Connecting Values as a TOK concept with optional themes through real life situations explained with relevant TED talks. Critical reflection happens through engaging in exciting classroom activities
5) Brewing tea over stimulating discussions on Values in the pursuit of knowledge in TOK How to involve in engaging discussions to enhance critical thinking, foster interdisciplinary connections, and embody the IB learner profile with open-mindedness and reflective inquiry
6) How Values can be used in discussing AOKs in TOK essay Explanation of Values in different AOKs through RLS relevant to knowledge claims, hence challenging students to think critically, analyze knowledge claims, and communicate their ideas effectively. Students get to engage with open ended argumentative knowledge questions, explore the nature of knowledge, and develop essential transferable skills like research, analytical, communication, and reflective skills that are valuable for academic and personal growth.When discussing Areas of Knowledge (AOKs) in a TOK essay, values play a crucial role as they often underpin the methodologies, interpretations, and applications within each AOK. For example, in the Natural Sciences, values influence what areas are researched and how ethical dilemmas are approached. In the Arts, values affect the creation and critique of artwork, guiding what is celebrated as aesthetically significant or culturally meaningful. In History, the values of a society can shape the historical narrative, influencing which events are recorded and how they are interpreted. Thus, when writing a TOK essay, one could argue that values are not just peripheral influences but are central to the construction and dissemination of knowledge in each AOK. They provide the ethical framework from which knowledge is approached, assessed, and utilized, reflecting the multifaceted relationship between what we know and why we consider it important.
7) How Values can be used to justify the inclusion for an object in TOK exhibition How the TOK concept Values helps in justifying each object’s place in TOK exhibition, enriching the exploration with clarity and purpose

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Subscribe now to dive deep into the fascinating world of Theory of Knowledge (TOK), where we explore this crucial TOK concept with its knowledge questions unpacked within the knowledge framework, linking optional themes with the concept, the profound impact of this TOK concept across different areas of knowledge. Our subscription offers comprehensive insights, featuring engaging real-life examples, interactive classroom activities, and thought-provoking TED talks. Expect to enhance your critical thinking, embrace interdisciplinary connections, and embody the IB learner profile’s open-mindedness and reflective inquiry. Whether you’re drafting a TOK essay, preparing for your exhibition, or simply eager to expand your understanding of how this TOK concept shapes knowledge, our content is designed to provide clarity, depth, and practical strategies for academic and personal growth. Join us to enrich your TOK journey with new dimensions of learning and discussion.

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