
Tok Exhibition Prompt 34 – In what ways do our values affect our acquisition of knowledge?

Object 1: Conservation Efforts Document for Endangered Species

  • Theme: Knowledge and Indigenous Societies
  • Rationale: Documentation of conservation efforts for endangered species, particularly those led in collaboration with indigenous communities, showcases how values around biodiversity and environmental stewardship guide knowledge acquisition in ecology and conservation science. These efforts reflect a recognition of the interconnectedness of humans and nature, emphasizing values of respect, sustainability, and coexistence. Such documentation illustrates how incorporating indigenous knowledge and values can enrich scientific approaches and outcomes in conservation efforts.

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Object 2: A Community-Based Recycling Initiative’s Operational Manual

  • Theme: Knowledge and Technology
  • Rationale: The manual for a successful community-based recycling initiative demonstrates how values related to environmental sustainability influence the development and adoption of technologies and systems for waste management. This initiative shows the practical application of values in guiding technological innovation and knowledge acquisition, highlighting the role of community engagement and technology in addressing environmental challenges.

Objects in the TOK exhibition serve as tangible manifestations of complex TOK concepts, allowing students to explore and demonstrate their understanding of knowledge in a concrete and relatable context. They act as catalysts for deep reflection, discussion, and analysis, bridging abstract theory with real-world examples and personal experiences. By strategically choosing objects that offer clear relevance and depth, students position themselves to deliver a compelling exhibition that fully addresses the criteria for a 10/10 score.

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