TOK Essay Title 2 – Scorecard

TOK Essay Title May 2024

TOK essay title 2 ideas

Title 2: “How can we reconcile the opposing demands for specialization and generalization in the production of knowledge? Discuss with reference to mathematics and one other area of knowledge.”

1) Introduction and Connection to the Title

Rudimentary (1-2): Mention the terms ‘specialization’ and ‘generalization’ but don’t elaborate.
Basic (3-4): Define specialization and generalization and say that they’re relevant to mathematics and your chosen area of knowledge.
Good (7-8) to Excellent (9-10): Present a nuanced understanding of the tension between specialization and generalization, and indicate how this tension manifests differently in mathematics and your chosen area.

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2) Links to Areas of Knowledge (Mathematics and Another Area)

Rudimentary (1-2): Merely state that both areas are relevant to the title.
Basic (3-4): Enumerate a few areas where specialization and generalization can be observed in both fields.
Good (7-8) to Excellent (9-10): Discuss how the tension between specialization and generalization shapes the evolution of these areas of knowledge, perhaps referring to key theories, methods, or figures.

3) Arguments and Examples

Rudimentary (1-2): Make broad claims without substantiating them.
Basic (3-4): Support your claims with generic examples like “Pythagoras specialized in triangles.”
Good (7-8) to Excellent (9-10): Use specific examples, like a mathematical theorem that only specialists understand but has broader applications, to argue for or against the need for balance between specialization and generalization.

4) Different Points of View

Rudimentary to Basic: Ignore or give only superficial treatment to alternate views.
Satisfactory (5-6): Acknowledge that some people advocate strongly for either specialization or generalization.
Good (7-8) to Excellent (9-10): Critically assess the merits and limitations of specialization and generalization in the context of societal needs, ethical considerations, or advancements in the field.

5) Conclusion

Rudimentary to Basic: Restate your initial claims without additional insights.
Satisfactory to Excellent: Summarize your arguments, consider the implications, and offer a synthesized view that ties back to the title.